Next Level. 74 Bacton. Chandler

74 Bacton’s size is only matched by the attention to detail. This production involved two sites visits, a creative concept ‘write up’ and five days of shooting, including make-up and a full lighting truck. It is probably the most comprehensive film we have made in the prestige real estate space. The full length version, which …

Resilient Men

Luke was backstage at the Queensland Titles of the Compete Naturally bodybuilding championships. Within half an hour, he’d be on stage claiming two trophies. The bright lights of the stage a far cry from the nights when he’d drink 30 cans of beer and end up on the cold floor of a police cell, in …

Aston Martin’s DBS Superleggera

We’ve been working with Sunshine Automotive and the Aston brand for almost seven years now with the production values steadily improving as the Client has settled comfortably into all aspects of video marketing. Aston Martin Queensland General Manager Paul Hewitt is very natural and spontaneous in front of a camera and we all have the …

IVY & EVE – And The GH5

This project marked the first time we fired Panasonic’s GH5 in anger. 4k at 60 frames per-second. The in-camera stabilisation is AMAZING and even with a Metabones Speedbooster to strap on Canon’s super fast EOS 35mm, focus was sharp. We’re ordering in a LUMIX 12-35 which also comes with gimbals on the censor. This technology …

The Perfect Storm

We’ve been working with Aston Martin Sunshine’s General Manager Paul Hewitt for more than six years, “working wonders with shoestring budgets in shoe box sized locations”as he says. Let’s face it, any mug can chase a sports car around in an AC135, with a RED slung in a nose mount, a few feet off the …

Two Husbands In One House – An iphone ‘Home Movie’

Going into this project, we had zero intention of filming this home on a Smart phone. The production budget was healthy enough to sustain the big kit. The job was unorthodox in many ways, with the Vendor insisting on bringing independent Agent Scott Wagner in to join Harcourts to advise on video marketing. Which was …

The Game Changer

In June, we sold our RED Epic W 8K cinema camera and all accessories. After more than seven years in the RED ecosystem – and about $250,000 in kit, including numerous sensor upgrades to stay current – we just decided it was time. I’d never shot a bad picture with a RED camera. What I …

Havafeed – Helping The Gold Coast’s Needy

  At platinumHD – possibly because we’re blessed to work in some of the country’s most luxurious surroundings – we’ve always had a strong pull towards helping the homeless. Those living hard on the land. Believe it or not, statistically, there is only six weeks separating you from the street. A lost job. So when the …

Queen Street. The Palladium. Stage 1 Of An 8 Year Project

It is one of the most fun and joyful parts of my role, to provide a glowing testimonial on my personal and professional relationship at working with Brett, Linda and the entire crew at PlatinumHD. Brett is nothing but a creative genius, with the commitment and dedication that transcends even the concept of going ‘over …

A Walk On The WILD Side

When Brisbane Buyer’s Agent John Leighton approached platinumHD, he wanted a web site that could not only handle a lot of rich media but one designed around big, bold ‘statement’ photography. I don’t know where the idea came from but I suggested “…how about we film you sitting with a Bengal Tiger.” John rolled up …